
Be Empower For Your Purpose!

Growth Track is the way for you to get connected to Oasis Church! Growth Track is designed to help you learn more about Oasis, discover your gifts (personally and spiritually) and how you can use those gifts for God by joining our Serve Team. Growth Track is an online course you can do at anytime. When you complete Growth Track our Next Steps team will be notified and will follow up with you.

Make A Difference!

Signing up for a Team is one of the best ways to get involved at Oasis Church and make a difference in the lives of others! Whether it’s greeting guests on campus, leading in our kids ministry or hosting in our online chat rooms, we’ll help you find the perfect team so you can start serving in your sweet spot.

Don't Do Life Alone!

We believe life is better surrounded by people who encourage, support, and challenge you to grow in your relationship with Christ! The way we do this at Oasis is through our Connect Groups! A new season of connect groups launch the week of September 13th.